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Professor Ibrahim Abdulhalim

Head of Applied Nano-Photonic Group


Head of Department of Electro-Optic Engineering

Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology


Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel

Tel at work: +972-(0)8-6479803 / 6461448, Fax: +972-(0)8-6479494, Cellular: +972-(0)52-8699750



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Postdoc Michael Ney




Current research activity includes:

Real time 3D imaging and vibrometry/fast focus tracking using parallel phase shift interferometry and multiple wavelength illumination phase unwrapping for metrology and biological applications.

Compact and high speed ellipsometry systems.

Optimization of setup configuration parameters and ellipsometric parameters for THz based biomedical imaging and early skin cancer detection.

Ph.D - Asi Solodar


Thesis Title: Unique liquid crystal spatial light modulators and their applications




Ph.D - Marwan Abu Leil


My main research is a miniature skin cancer diagnosis system based on liquid crystal devices as tunable filter and devices for controlling the polarization.

During this research a new birefringence measurement technique using rotating analyzer approach and phase quadrature crossing points has been proposed




Ph.D - Amir Aizen


Thesis Title: Liquid crystal devices for high sensitivity dielectric constant mapping




Ph.D - Mohammad Abutoama


Thesis Title:Nano-Plasmonic and photonic structures tailored for energy, biosensing, and optical filtering applications




Ph.D - Ibrahim Watad


Thesis Title: Multimodal plasmonic sensing system




Ph.D - Andrey Nazarov

Thesis title: Development of high speed, high resolution interference microscopy systems and their applications


Ph.D - Sivan Issac


Thesis Title: Optical biosensors integrated with liquid crystal devices




Ph.D - Igal Balin


Thesis Title: Plasmonic structures and their optoelectronic applications




Postdoc - Lakshmi Maduri


Thesis Title:




BGU University, Department of Electro-Optical Engineering ,Applied Nano-Photonics Group,  2017

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