Welcome to Applied Nano-Photonics Group
Past Graduates
Postdoc fellow - Iftach Klapp Thesis Title - Imaging systems and liquid crystal devices (2013).
Postdoc fellow - Sachin Kumar Srivastava Thesis Title - Plasmonic biosensors (2015).
Postdoc fellow - Ashok Chaudhary Thesis Title - Liquid crystal devices (2015).
Postdoc fellow - Avner Safrani Thesis Title - 3D real time imaging system (2015).
[Presently with KLA-Tencor]
Ph.D - Ofir Aharon Thesis Title - Liquid crystal devices integrated in optical imaging systems for biomedical [Presently with KLA-Tencor] applications (2011).
Ph.D - Alina Karabchevsky Thesis Title - Nanophotonic Structures for Optical Biosensing and Application in Water Quality [Presently is a lecturer at EOE-BGU] Control (2012).
Ph.D - Atef Shalabney Thesis Title - Optimization of Plasmonic and Nanophotonic structures for Biosensing (2013).
[Presently with the University of Strasbourgh]
Ph.D - Avner Safrani Thesis Title - Real time 3D imaging system (2014).
[Presently a postdoc in BGU University]
M.Sc - Ron Friedman Thesis Title - Common path full field optical coherence tomography system (2007).
[Presently with Carestream]
M.Sc - Ronen Dadon Thesis Title - Application of frequency domain optical coherence tomography to optical metrology [Presently with Intel] (2007).
M.Sc - Amit Lahav Thesis Title - Photonic structures for optical sensor applications (2008).
[Presently with ELTA]
M.Sc - Lior Leraz Thesis Title - Incorporation of an annular aperture in an OCT system (2009).
[Presently with IMI]
M.Sc - Riki Moses Thesis Title - Polarimetric and spectral skin imaging (2009).
[Presently with ELOP]
M.Sc - Avner Safrani Thesis Title - Spectropolarimetric systems for biomedical imaging and LC devices applications (2009).
M.Sc - Atef Shalabaney Thesis Title - Surface Plasmon resonance biosensors with improved performance (2009).
M.Sc - Olga Krasnykov Thesis Title - Nanophotonic structures for biosensing (2009).
[Presently with NOVA Measuring Instruments]
M.Sc - Boris Epshtein Thesis Title - Evaluation of photoplethysmography for blood glucose measurement (2010).
[Presently with Sami Shamon College]
M.Sc - Rony Sharon Thesis Title -Full field optical coherence tomography system with compensation (2010).
[Presently with Aerospace Industry]
M.Sc - Michael Ney Thesis Title - Modelling of scattering from skin in the THz and microwaves regions (2011).
M.Sc - Jenny Sokolovsky Thesis Title - Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Interferograms of Multi-Layered [Presently with TACount] Biological Samples (2011).
M.Sc - Shahar Mor Thesis Title - Liquid crystals in nanostructured porous silicon 1D photonic crystals (2011).
[Presently with Intel]
M.Sc - Miri Gilbaor Thesis Title -Liquid crystal devices integrated with thin film chalcogenide glasses (2012).
M.Sc - Hadar Reisman Thesis Title - Intrinsic and structurally chiral liquid crystal devices (2013).
M.Sc - Sivan Isaac Thesis Title - Improved liquid crystal Fabry-Perot tunable filter for biomedical applications (2014).
M.Sc - Asi Solodar Thesis Title - Ring type LC spatial light modulator and its application for biomedical Imaging (2014).
M.Sc - Ansar Hajuj Thesis Title - Thick dielectric grating based biosens (2015).
[Presently with Tower Semiconductors]
M.Sc - Mohammad Jabali Thesis Title - Bloch type surface electromagnetic wave optical sensor (2015).
M.Sc - Mohammad Awesat Thesis Title - Design of plasmonic and photonic structures for biosensing and tunable
filtering (2016).
M.Sc - Ibrahim Watad Thesis Title - Multimodal plasmonic sensing system (2016)
M.Sc - Amir aizen Thesis Title - Relative permittivity imaging sensor based on LC (2016).
M.Sc - Andrey Nazarov Thesis Title - Optical Sensing of Intraocular Pressure(2017).
M.Sc - Naama Shurkon Thesis Title - Optimized depth of field methodology using annular liquid crystal
spatial light modulator assisted by image processing (2017).